Honda gives China More of its Original Cars

The Honda Motor Corporation made an announcement that it would be the world’s first foreign automaker to make and to market vehicles under its original brand in China. The name of the new Honda brand in China was never revealed yet.

According to its President Takeo Fukui, they did not identify the new brand at present but it will be under Honda and would be holding a new name. This new brand of Honda will start to operate in 2010, as Honda president told the Tokyo News.

Honda has a joint venture with another car brand in China. The venture is the Guangzhou Honda Automobile Corporation. The company has established with more than $246 million in research and development subsidiary in Guangzhou City in China which is also known as the Canton. The news came out from the Kyodo News service.

Fukui revealed that its R&D subsidiary which is to be located at the same compound will be covering more than two square miles and will also have a scale test course. He also added that as soon as China approved the joint venture, the new brand will start producing engines for the company.

Other Honda production plants in China still has car parts made for the Japanese auto maker. Car parts includes various vehicle odds and ends like the brake pad.


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