Pothole Damage

Watch out! That’s a pothole!

Too late. You just hit it and your vehicle may just have suffered some damage.

The Car Care Council has come to inform you of how you can detect if damage has been inflicted on your precious vehicle and its precious Ford truck parts. Those potholes may look harmless but they can really do that much damage.

You may notice that you have lost some control over your vehicle. There can be some swaying when you are doing those simple turns. Quite some bouncing while going through rough roads too. These are just some of the signs of symptoms that your car has been given a reminder by the pothole never to hit it again. When you notice such, you can be sure that the steering system has been damaged. The suspension may also have gotten quite a whack.

Rich white is the Car Care Council’s executive director. On their complete list of tips, he has disclosed, “Every driver knows what it feels like to hit a pothole. What they don't know is if their vehicle has been damaged in the process. If you've hit a pothole, it's worth having a professional technician check out the car and make the necessary repairs to ensure safety and reliability.”

There you go.


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