AAA Challenges States to Strengthen GDL Programs

A recent study from the American Automobile Association (AAA), called the “Nationwide Review of Graduated Driver Licensing” shows that US states offering graduated driver licensing (GDL) systems with five out of seven components had significantly reduced the fatality and injuries of car accidents involving teenage drivers.

Robert L. Darbelnet, President and CEO of AAA said:
"Through this study, we have seen that the enactment of laws is key to improving teen driver safety. So, today I am challenging legislators throughout the country to strengthen the GDL systems in their states to include the components that this study shows make a substantial difference in saving teen lives and reducing injuries."

So what exactly are these seven components that AAA talks about? Just check out the following list:

- A minimum age of at least 16 years for receiving a learner's permit.

- A requirement to hold the learner's permit for at least 6 months before receiving a license that allows any unsupervised driving.

- A requirement for certification of at least 30 hours of supervised driving practice during the learner stage.

- An intermediate stage of licensing with a minimum entry age of at least 16 years and 6 months.

- A nighttime driving restriction for intermediate license holders, beginning no later than 10 p.m.

- A passenger restriction for intermediate license holders, allowing no more than one passenger (except family members).

- A minimum age of 17 years for full, unrestricted licensure.

So these seven components should be included in GDL systems for all the states according to AAA. AAA also wants parents to keep their teens from driving at the midst of this new study. Well, I really hope this will reduce car crashes involving teen drivers. (Just like reducing your car’s performance due to damaged auto parts like Borla exhaust, so replace them with new ones.)


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