Seven Vehicles for College Kids and Newly Grads’s 7 Best College Cars - Kia Sportage
Money Magazine’s San Grobart and’s Peter Valdes-Dapena have recently released a very helpful list of the seven great starter cars for college students and newly grads.

The suggested cars were Honda Fit, Toyota Yaris, Nissan Versa, Ford Focus, Kia Sportage, Scion xA and Dodge Caliber, whose prices are below $16,000. Aside from affordability, college students and newly graduates would not want to spend their hard earned cash on their car’s tanks, so great fuel economy is a must. Functionality is also a great deal. There are no sporty two-seaters or funky cars with no trunk space.

Safety of course is extremely important. And although these cars are small, they are reasonably safe, which is best for college kids.


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